Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

5680 Oakbrook Pkwy Ste 100, Norcross, Ga 30093

Global Diversity
Array With

Caring for you with the most personalized diagnostic solutions.

About Global Diversity Array with Cytogenetics

Global diversity array coupled with cytogenetics offers a targeted analysis for individual genes causing cancer and tumors whether somatic or genetically transmitted. This microarray contains approximately 1.8M probes, with 160K probes. Global Diversity Array manifests across more than 4800 tiered genes. It also includes tests for chromosomal abnormalities. In addition, the global diversity array coupled with cytogenetics detects copy number changes (deletion, duplication, and amplification) on a scale from genome-wide to individual genes. In addition to oligonucleotides to detect copy number, this microarray also contains single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to uncover copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (CN-LOH), associated with gene conversion in cancer. Our instrumentation and tools provide the most clinically accurate results available.

Test Description

Global Diversity Array with Cytogenetics (GDA_Cyto) testing in oncology, including hematologic malignancies in blood and bone marrow and fresh and fixed (FFPE) solid tumors, provides information that can be critical for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. GDA_Cyto detects copy number changes (deletion, duplication and amplification) on a scale from genome-wide to individual genes. In addition to oligonucleotides to detect copy number, the Cytogenomic microarray also contains single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to uncover copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (CN-LOH), associated with gene conversion in cancer.

Oxy-Gen Laboratory Targeted Gene and Region Panel Oncology Microarray is currently developed and available for targeted testing of the following conditions:



3.Wilms Tumors


5.Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

In Addition, the GDA-Cyto Array is intended to aid in the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities associated with developmental disorders, including developmental delay (DD), intellectual disability (ID), multiple congenital anomalies (MCA), dysmorphic features, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), seizures, and epilepsy. This test reports detected whole and segmental aneuploidies, submicroscopic copy number variations (CNVs) that cannot be detected by conventional karyotype, size and gene content of CNVs, regions of homozygosity, and uniparental isodisomy.

Biological process


Body measurement


Cardiovascular disease




Digestive system disorder


Hematological measurement


Immune system disorder


Inflammatory measurement


Lipid or lipoprotein measurement


Liver enzyme measurement


♦ Metabolic disorder


Neurological disorder


Other disease measurement